Assessing Daylight & Thermal Comfort at Modern Houses
Nowadays, modern houses often lack natural light, requiring artificial lighting throughout, and also rely on mechanical devices like fans and air conditioners for thermal comfort, leading to higher utility costs for residents. Hence, we were assign to formulate ideas in addressing issues on daylight and thermal comfort by incorporating passive design approaches.
I'm pleased with the informative poster my team and I created. We visited a semi-detached house in Seksyen U12, Shah Alam for the project. Exploring the site with my friends was enjoyable, as we conducted calculations, observations, and analysis together. Although using measuring devices to assess thermal comfort and daylight factor was new to us, we learned together. Additionally, our tutor provided valuable guidance throughout the project, suggesting interventions for passive design and ways to enhance our board. Overall, I gained plenty new knowledge and skills, including technical, calculation, and design abilities. Additionally, I recently learned about psychometric charts, which indicate the ideal temperature and humidity for building design—a crucial consideration for future architects like myself.